
Everything is awesome!

Look at what you did when you believed you were special. You just need to believe it some more.

“You don’t have to be the bad guy. You are the most talented, most interesting, and most extraordinary person in the universe. And you are capable of amazing things.”
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Emmet Brickowoski
Construction Worker
“Master Builders spend years trying to empty their minds to get even a fleeting glimpse of the man upstairs, and yet your mind is so prodigiously empty; there is nothing to remove in the first place.”
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Master Builder
“I watched Lord Business's forces completely overlook it. Which means we need more ideas like it! Ideas so dumb and bad that no one would ever think that they could possibly be useful.”
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Metal Beard
Pirate Captain
“There's no signs or anything! How does anyone know what not to do?”
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Emmet Brickowoski
Construction Worker
“Wiping ye bum with a hook for a hand is really hard, this be impossible! The last time we tried to storm Lord Business's office, we used every plan we could conceive, the result was a massacre too terrible to speak of.”
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Metal Beard
Pirate Captain
“If this relationship is ever going to work between us, I need to feel free to party with a bunch of strangers whenever I feel like it.”
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